Improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) with llot

Improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) with llot


Is your plant leaving money on the table because overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is not high enough?

OEE is more than just making good products as quickly as possible with no stop time. OEE is a concrete indicator of the gap between what machines are actually producing versus potential productivity. Incorporating availability, performance and quality make the OEE a powerful tool for management in the pursuit of less downtime, waste and equipment losses.

Better data, acquired using IIOT technology, has the potential to improve product quality and help your team develop procedures for optimizing your plant’s operation.

Getting real clarity about your plant’s OEE through better data has the potential to improve product quality and help your team develop effective policies and procedures based on how your plant runs the best.

To learn more, download the white paper.

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